Contact us

For any inquiries or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team through the following contact channels.

Our friendly customer support staff is available around the clock to provide timely and expert assistance. You can contact us by filling out the contact form on our website.

Your feedback is highly valued, so please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Dont be shy, contact us!

Payment:Bank Transfer (Please send the proof of payment to, AMEX, MasterCard, Paypal,Mbway or CashPlease choose the method of payment at the end.

Shipping:Our products are handmade and per order. All of our orders will be send by registered mail from 1 to 7 working days, after payment.

Exchanges: Because we make everything by order please confirm the size of our dog cause we dont make exchanges or return. We only exchange or return if there's something wrong with the product